
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Newsletter Article Calendar

I know so many clergy who have trouble coming up with what to write a newsletter article on each month! So I tried to come up with a collection of topics that are always good to talk about with congregations and might not come up that often in sermons, found Bible passages for each of them, and put them into a calendar. The calendar goes along with the RCL but you certainly don't have to be on the RCL to use this. Each topic is scheduled so that any season or holiday it's talking about comes up during the month that the newsletter is for, so they're all a little ahead of the game. The summers, I admit, are a bit of "everything else we mean to talk about but don't get around to often enough."

Enjoy! Each month has the general theme, the Bible passage, and the more specific theme/possible title for your article. I was hoping to add a couple questions to each one, but to be honest, this has been on my hard drive a for several months now and clearly that's never going to happen, so I figured I should get it out there rather than having it sit uselessly.

Year A- Matthew

Dec- Christmas, Mt 1:18-25, Respectability & Jesus

Jan- Epiphany, Mt 2:13-15, Holy Family Refugees

Feb- Lent, Mt 27:24-26, Church & Antisemitism

Mar- Easter, Mt 28:1-10, Women: The First Apostles

Apr- Pentecost, 1Cor 12:4-14, Gifts & Body

May- Charity, Jn 5:2-18, Disability & Charity

June- Welcome, Acts 8:26-39, What Prevents?

July- Civic, Mt 22:15-22, Render Unto Caesar

Aug- Prayer, Mt 6:5-8, Prayer & Appearances

Sep- Creation, Gen 1:1-5, Science & Big Bang

Oct- All Saints, Mt 14:1-12, Those Who Spoke Truth

Nov- Advent, Mt 3:1-6, Repentance

Year B- Mark (& John)

Dec- Christmas, Jn 1:14-18, Word Became Flesh

Jan- Epiphany, Mk 1:9-11, Torn Heavens & Baptism

Feb- Lent, Mk 14:17-20, Betrayed by a Friend

Mar- Easter, Mk 16:1-8, Alarm, Terror & Amazement

Apr- Pentecost, Jn 15:26-27, 16:4b-15, Spirit's Work

May- Charity, Mk 12:38-44, Charity & Capitalism

June- Welcome, Jn 9:1-7, God's Works Revealed

July- Civic, Ro 13:1-10, Justice & Government

Aug- Prayer, 1 Kings 19:11-14, Don't Forget to Listen

Sep- Creation, Ge 1:26-27, Dominion or Stewardship

Oct- All Saints, Acts 5:1-11, What Not To Do

Nov- Advent, Mk 1:1-4, Preparing the Way

Year C- Luke

Dec- Christmas, Lk 2:1-6, No Family At Christmas

Jan- Epiphany, Lk 2:25-38, Anna & Simeon

Feb- Lent, Lk 23:50-56, Holy Saturday: Jesus is Dead

Mar- Easter, Jn 20:19-31, Thomas & Doubt

Apr- Pentecost, Acts 2:1-21, Many Languages

May- Charity, Lk 6:27-38, Give to Everyone

June- Welcome, Lk 10:29-37, Who Is My Neighbor

July- Civic, Col 3:5-17, Living in Community

Aug- Prayer, 1 Jn 1:5-10, Confession as Prayer

Sep- Creation, Job 12:7-12, Learning from Creation

Oct- All Saints, Lk 12:4-12, What is Persecution

Nov- Advent, Lk 1:46-55, God's Justice Proclaimed

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