
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Good Friday Gospel Reading Responses

The usual Gospel reading for Good Friday is 2 full chapters of the Gospel of John. I find it helpful to break it up into smaller pieces, in order to keep people's attention. Feel free to use in your context with attribution!

Violence Erupts: John 18:1-12
Lord, we are like Judas, who arrived expecting a fight. 
We expect to be met with anger, and we prepare to return it, 
   even before we see any proof. 
We allow words or actions of violence to be our first response. 
We see your example of peace, but we do not follow it.

Peter Denies Jesus: John 18:13-27
Lord, we are like Peter, 
   who denied knowing you out of fear. 
We like our faith in you 
   when it gets us praise and fellowship, 
   but hide it when it leads to trouble. 
We trumpet our faith when it proclaims we’re right, 
   but ignore it when it shows our faults. 
We see your example of faithfulness, but we do not follow it.

True Kingdom: John 18:28-40
Lord, we are like Pilate, 
   who didn’t know your kingdom. 
We think power comes from wealth and influence, 
   and having some, only makes us greedy for more. 
We crave the appearance of humility, but not its substance. 
We see your example of servant leadership, 
   but we do not follow it.

Call For Crucifixion: John 19:1-15
Lord, we are like the crowds, 
   who demanded you be crucified. 
When we have a problem, we want someone to blame. 
When we face a crisis, we demand a scapegoat. 
When a crowd leads, 
   wherever they are going, we want to follow. 
We see your example of mercy, but we do not follow it.

Disgrace & Death: John 19:16-30
Lord, we are like the chief priests, 
   who denied you were king. 
We covet what others have, 
   and we tear down the accomplishments of those we envy. 
We slander those we dislike, and hope it destroys them. 
We see your example of blessing others, 
   but we do not follow it.

Scouring Golgotha: John 19:31-42
Lord, we are like those 
   who demanded Jesus’ body be cleared away. 
We value appearances over honesty, 
   and we don’t want the hardships of life to show. 
We prefer beauty over kindness, 
   and ignore the beauty in kindness. 
We see your example of honesty, but we do not follow it.

I hope you find this helpful! If you appreciate this resource, please feel free to buy me a coffee!

Friday, February 12, 2021

Mileage Spreadsheet

 Do you need a mileage spreadsheet?

Would you like one that does most of the math for you?

This spreadsheet is set up for 2021 with the IRS mileage reimbursement rate included. To change the rate, go to each monthly page, click on the box with the total reimbursement, go up just above the row that assigns the letters to each column, to the function box, and change the rate there.

Check out the spreadsheet here!

If you find this useful, please feel free to buy me a coffee! As I am presently only in part-time ministry, it would be appreciated.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Abide With Me Lenten Series (Year B)

A worship series based on the Passion in the Gospel of Mark, for 2021, Year B. You might want to use this for Lenten evening services. Each night focuses on a Scripture passage from Mark, from Jesus at Gethsemane through Pilate. There are 5 services. Each includes a scripture passage, some themes to focus on, a hymn chosen for that service from the ELW, an opening litany based on a Psalm, a "Prayer of the Day," some thoughts for your sermon, the Prayers of the People (including relevant saints from the calendar to acknowledge as you see fit), and the suggestion to use Abide With Me as a recurring closing hymn.

You can find the document here.

I must admit that some of the resources I've provided here are a bit less polished, and a bit more "shoot-from-the-hip," than I had originally planned. Turns out this story stirs up emotion! Feel free to adapt to your context as necessary.

If you find this useful, please feel free to buy me a coffee! As I am presently only in part-time ministry, it would be appreciated.