
Friday, January 22, 2021

Abide With Me Lenten Series (Year B)

A worship series based on the Passion in the Gospel of Mark, for 2021, Year B. You might want to use this for Lenten evening services. Each night focuses on a Scripture passage from Mark, from Jesus at Gethsemane through Pilate. There are 5 services. Each includes a scripture passage, some themes to focus on, a hymn chosen for that service from the ELW, an opening litany based on a Psalm, a "Prayer of the Day," some thoughts for your sermon, the Prayers of the People (including relevant saints from the calendar to acknowledge as you see fit), and the suggestion to use Abide With Me as a recurring closing hymn.

You can find the document here.

I must admit that some of the resources I've provided here are a bit less polished, and a bit more "shoot-from-the-hip," than I had originally planned. Turns out this story stirs up emotion! Feel free to adapt to your context as necessary.

If you find this useful, please feel free to buy me a coffee! As I am presently only in part-time ministry, it would be appreciated.

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