
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Anti-Racism 2023 Summer Sermon Series

According to the RCL Complementary Readings
This is mostly meant to be a sermon series for majority-white congregations who are somewhat uncomfortable talking about race- because that's the type of place I've served in. Thoughts from my colleagues who are people of color are joyfully welcomed, I did this in a morning and would love to deepen it, but I'm not asking for help from those in most need of support and care right now. (This was originally written for the summer of 2020, and dates and readings have now been updated for 2023.)
June 4
Holy Trinity -And It Was Good
HS- God created only good
NT- Holy Spirit helps us live in peace
G- Jesus tells us to welcome all in baptism
-we were not created to hate or have contempt for one another but to live together in love, racism & white supremacy both contradicts this & works against it, if God says that all creation is good who are we to disagree?

June 11
2Pent - God's New Life Doesn't Fade
HS- our love fades like dew, not steadfast
NT- God brings hope & new life when we are hopeless
G- Jesus came for sinners & faith can bring healing & new life
-the work against white supremacist thinking & influence isn't done in a day, it requires constant ongoing work from many people not just in our own hearts & minds but in our society, but we are tempted to believe it's pointless or already over, still God can bring hope where there seems to be none and Jesus came to work with & heal sinners, not those who are already in right relationship
June 18
3Pent -Unworthy Laborers
HS- God carried them away from slavery
NT- we are still imperfect sinners but God loves us & calls us right now
G- we are the laborers, sent to our own people, to proclaim the kingdom
-the kingdom of God has no room for slavery/contempt, we are the laborers called to bring it about, among the ones we know already (white people have to talk to white people) even though we don't think we're good enough (Germany had a reconciliation & education effort after the Holocaust & South Africa had the Truth & Reconciliation Commission after apartheid, they can both talk about those things despite the pain, but we never did anything like that after slavery was outlawed as a nation)

June 25
4Pent -Universal Preacherhood
HS- despite derision Jeremiah must preach
NT- we are all united in baptism & parts of ourselves will die because of that
G- what does it mean to love a person more than God? To enable sin, leave them who they are
-to allow our friends & neighbors to continue in their contempt & bigotry without speaking God's word to them is to love them more than God, & will only hurt them & the world, even if it leads to derision, we must speak to our unity in baptism (& out of it as beloved good creations of God)- we must all speak God's word of love into existence

July 2
5Pent -Racism is Destruction
HS- God's wish for all people is peace, not punishment or dominion
NT- sin does enslave us & work to our destruction, racism destroys society
G- we are called to welcome and hospitality
-do you want the best doctor out of all white people who were born rich, or do you want the best doctor period? Racism & racist systems drag us down, break us apart, deny our identity as children of God, deny us peace & the gift of being hospitable, also once a racist system exists it makes us work for it and continues to destroy ours and others' lives

July 9
6Pent -Freedom From, Freedom To
HS- God sets the prisoners free
NT- we will find ourselves working for racism & racist systems without realizing it
G- many will object to our working against racism & refusing to "go with the flow" and that we're "making it weird" but God has freed us from being beholden to any of that
-there will be days when we realize we're doing something that encourages racism or encourages racist systems, or that we are being ostracized for not going along with them, but God calls us to destroy those systems, and we have been set free from servitude toward them in order to be free to live a larger & more complete life

July 16
7Pent -Sown From Above
HS- God's word leads to growth, joy, & peace that has no end
NT- set minds & hearts on Christ rather than flesh (influence, wealth, etc)
G- all these reactions also work for reactions to anti-racism work, because anti-racism work is also the work of the Gospel
-as we go out to share God's word & build the kingdom, we will meet many reactions (we will also have various reactions to different ways to do all this in our own hearts, to be worked on), & will have to formulate responses to each: those "on the path" have closed themselves off and refused to open up, those "on rocky soil" have other stuff going on in life that constantly distracts them from this work, those "among thorns" like the idea of the work but other aspects of their life (or people in their life) choke out their ability to do the work, etc.

July 23
8Pent -Idolatry Cast Aside
HS- when we truly treat God as our only God, we have nothing to fear
NT- our faith leads us not into slavery/servitude to others' ideals but sets us free from our bondage to sin (racism) and into "the glorious liberty of the children of God" (NKJV) (see also this blog's name!)
G- all of our causes to sin will be destroyed by God in the end
-the world may tell us who we "should" hate or who we "should" feel contempt for, but God casts all that aside, in favor of freedom from such destructive (racist) systems, and anything that causes us to sin (greed, pride, wrath) will be destroyed anyway

July 30
9Pent -Good Wisdom
HS- Solomon asks for wisdom- not just to be smart, but to know right from wrong
NT- Spirit helps us in our weakness, nothing separates us from the love of Christ
G- bringing about the kingdom of God involves both growth & discernment
-building the kingdom & anti-racism work both involve discernment, effort, growth; there will be ideas to sort through & consider strengths & weaknesses, offers of help to accept or decline, personal work to do throughout; but God is with us through all of it helping us, and nothing separates us (or anyone else) from God's love

August 6
10Pent -Table for All
HS- God's everlasting covenant that provides rich food to even unknown nations
NT- the anguish of separation
G- there is plenty to go around for everyone and leftovers, abandon theology of scarcity
-it may feel as though our anti-racism (Gospel-driven) work separates us from those we love, who haven't come to understand it's importance yet, but the truth is it works for healing among all people, and there is room for everyone to join in and take part in the harvest
August 13
11Pent -True Peace
HS- God is not in the wind/earthquake/fire of conquest/destruction/dominion, but in the silence of true peace
NT- can't be believed until it's heard/experienced/witnessed
G- Jesus can bring us to true peace but we might sink a little and need help on the way
-“True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice.”- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; to be truly at peace a society must have justice, must care for the vulnerable, must treat all with respect & dignity; it takes work to get there & many have no idea what it's actually like before they do
August 20
12Pent -All Are Welcome
HS- all people from all places are welcome in God's house
NT- God has not abandoned/rejected anyone
G- not what goes into but comes out of the mouth that defiles; Jesus' call to Israel is expanded to all nations
-we might say "all are welcome" lightly but really it's hard work, it means asking who are we excluding without meaning to, who do we secretly not want here, who might arrive & make us uncomfortable, who might we tire of welcoming after awhile & what do we do then; but in order for all to really be welcome there's a lot of work, physically and of the heart, that has to happen
August 27
13Pent -Living Sacrifice
HS- God's justice & everlasting deliverance
NT- be a living sacrifice, many ways to do so
G- on this rock I will build my church- who recognizes Jesus
-many ways to sacrifice for God- sacrifice power so that others have a fair amount; sacrifice your safety so that others are safer (white protesters putting themselves between POC and police); sacrificing wealth so that none go without; as Peter recognized who Jesus was we can recognize Jesus in others- and we will come to see that Jesus is in the face of every person we meet
Sept 3
14Pent -Overcome Evil With Good
HS- utter what is precious and not worthless
NT- generosity & overcome evil with good
G- take up your cross
-the answer is not to be jealous (old definition) or miserly but to be generous and open, "Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; focus on what matters, take up your cross (whatever binds you to racism/racist systems) and don't burden others with it but deal with it as you do God's work (anti-racism work)

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